Why Liberals Don’t Empathize with Trump Supporters

Kris Harpster
4 min readDec 4, 2020

Some Trump supporters have been complaining about liberals not empathizing with them. They say they feel left out.

I cannot, for the life of me, figure out why anyone would think that liberals or moderate Democrats or rational Republicans or Independents, or any rational person, should empathize with Trump supporters. The only reason I can think of is that people who think this way are, after all, not rational.

The Internet definition of empathize:

understand and share the feelings of another.

We are supposed to empathize with this?

Or this?

Half of Republicans say Biden won because of a ‘rigged’ election: Reuters/Ipsos poll

No, I don’t empathize. I do not understand or share their feelings. It is apparent that at least half of them are out of touch with reality, and it appears that the other half have no regard for truth, right, the common good, humanity, their country, or democracy.

Let’s talk about the half who believe that the election was rigged, that the mainstream media is the enemy of the people, that Putin is more trustworthy than our 17 intelligence agencies, that the pandemic is a hoax, and that Trump cares about them. Call this what you will, but it is a complete break with reality, and psychology has traditionally called this psychosis. Trump’s flock is under mind control by a madman, and they are pathologically dangerous. You are suggesting that we should hand hold, and, in effect, say, “I understand you think Trump should be president no matter who the people voted for…okay, no…I understand you think the Democrats rigged the election (a beyond ridiculous possibility)…” To what end? To turn the asylum over to the mental patients? Their views are not only NOT valid, they are dangerous. Some of Trump’s supporters are the wealthy and conscienceless who gain from his tax breaks, and the ever-increasing powers and perks for corporate interests. But at least half of these people support Trump against their own best interests. There IS no logic to their support. It is madness based on induced psychosis from a process of brainwashing and mind control.

Harvard psychologist, Dr. Bandy Lee, has written about this extensively:

Opinion: The coronavirus pandemic has made Trump’s psychiatric issues clear

As his rallies were canceled, he used daily press conferences for his emotional compulsion to create a desired, alternative reality, through delusional-level distortion and misinformation, rather than working to save lives. The pandemic makes stark the deadliness of his symptoms, and if we believe those around him will be able to contain or go around them, we are mistaken.

Here we enter the realm of pathology. What is truly dangerous is not the overt symptoms — even a psychotic patient wearing a tinfoil hat is not very dangerous — but the denial and the extent to which one would go to cover up symptoms. And this also goes for the president’s handlers, by extension. We call this “loss of insight.” It is the loss of ability to take care of oneself or to see that one has a problem, which diminishes all the more in those who need intervention the most.

Trump calls journalist’s coronavirus question “nasty”

On top of this, mental symptoms such as denial, projection (blaming others for what one is doing), and the inflation of non-realities while suppressing reality will be all the more unrelenting and non-negotiable when severe. Not only that, but where there is prolonged exposure to severe symptoms, previously sound individuals will start losing their own grounding in reality and take on similar symptoms.

As for this bs about feeling left out…for krissake…they call liberals snowflakes? And not only that, they think Trump — one of the most selfish, pathological, delusional and dangerous human beings on the planet — is the solution for feeling left out? I have zero sympathy for that sentiment. There are people living on the streets, people being evicted and people going hungry. There are people suffering horrible illnesses, paralysis, disfigurement, Covid-19, and Trump supporters want to whine about feeling left out? What are they left out of? I can’t even try to pretend that’s a real problem. I’m too disgusted to pretend. The real problem is that these people are not full functioning adults. They submitted to brainwashing because they didn’t want to take responsibility for themselves. They didn’t want to deal with reality because it didn’t meet their personal expectations. What they have become is horrifying. They have become little trumps. Little bullying dictators refusing to bow to reality, demanding their own way, eff the facts.



Kris Harpster

Explorer of Inner Space: writer, spiritual traveler, survivor of narcissistic abuse and domestic violence, truth teller. Active on Quora.